News Releases
TDF to fund criminal defence of Coutts protester charged with using truck as weapon
James Sowery was charged with assault with a weapon and dangerous driving after he allegedly drove his truck through a police checkpoint in Milk River.
LEGAL VICTORY: Saskatchewan music venue “not guilty” of breaking social distancing laws
Legendary Saskatoon bar exonerated at trial.
What went wrong with the Public Order Emergency Inquiry?
The Democracy Fund's response to the final report from the Public Order Emergency Commission.
Ontario teacher Chanel Pfahl retains her teaching certificate
The Democracy Fund lawyers successfully defend Chanel Pfahl in a complaint filed with the Ontario College of Teachers.
Charges stayed against three alleged "gas dealers" from Freedom Convoy
The Democracy Fund is pleased to announce that the government has stayed all charges against three so-called "gas dealers" arising from the Ottawa Freedom Convoy protest.
Sleeping senior beats WestJet masking ticket
Prosecution drops charges against a senior for not wearing a mask after lawyer files Charter application.
New Brunswick pastors win again!
Two New Brunswick pastors beat contempt allegations for holding church services during lockdowns.
TDF fights to keep ArriveCAN challenge alive
Government lawyers argue ArriveCAN challenge is moot.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski back in court this week
Pastor Pawlowski will be on trial this week for speaking at the Freedom Convoy in Coutts last year in support of the truckers.