What you need to know about the Public Order Emergency Commission

Our team explains what the Commission is really about and what impact it could have on Canadians.

On February 14, 2022, the federal government declared a public order emergency under the Emergencies Act to end the convoy protests in the city of Ottawa. The declaration was revoked on February 23, 2022. On April 25, 2022, the Government of Canada established the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) to inquire into the circumstances that led to the declaration. The commission began on October 13, 2022, and will last for six weeks.

But what is the POEC about? Is it a legal proceeding and, if so, what does that mean? What can it hope to accomplish? What are its limitations?

In this video, our lawyers, our Historian in Residence, Conrad Black, and our Ethics Scholar, Julie Ponesse, explain what the commission is about, what impact it could have on government, law enforcement, journalism and the public consciousness, and what we are likely to see over the coming days.

Click here to follow all of our work in the POEC.

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