The Democracy Fund represents Chanel Pfahl, a high school teacher who is being investigated by her professional regulator for comments she made about critical race theory. The comments were made in a private Facebook group for teachers discussing ideas for Black History Month. Ms. Pfahl urged her fellow teachers to model kindness and speak out against all forms of discrimination. At the same time, she stated that children should not be indoctrinated with critical race theory and that schools should be nonpartisan. She pointed out that in some places, like Britain, it is illegal to teach critical race theory without offering a balanced opposing view. These remarks caused another teacher to make a complaint to the Ontario College of Teachers.
Update: Ms. Pfahl’s comments were neither racist nor offensive. The Democracy Fund has made submissions to the Ontario College of Teachers that the complaint fails to disclose any misconduct and that the college should close its investigation. Should this matter be referred to the disciplinary committee, The Democracy Fund is prepared to represent Ms. Pfahl at a hearing.